Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Live Interactive Learning Channels

MagnumIQ are adding new lessons to the interactive channels on a daily basis. It is hard to imagine what it will be like to have a truly interactive lesson with someone online. It is a bit like interacting with someone on the television screen. The person feels real and very present, as if they are in your living room with you.

Something my daughter has become increasingly interested in is selling on ebay. I noticed earlier that one of the sessions available is called " How to make Money with Online Auctions"

Being an avid internet marketer myself I am always wanting to learn new and interesting things about marketing online and just the lesson I was wanting to learn is available on Magnum IQ interactive learning channels - it is called "What is a Squeeze Page" and this is what it says about it

The secret to generating an online market is your customer base. You want people to keep coming back to your website or other websites and buying your products or services. The Squeeze Page is designed to help you build your customer base and then to continuously keep in touch with them effortlessly. This class talks about setting up a page to capture email addresses, using autoresponders to keep in touch and provides some techniques to keep your income flowing with your own or affiliate products.

There are dozens of sessions like these covering all manner of subjects and interests, and this is just the tip of the iceberg!!

1 comment:

Clarence Coggins said...

I looked forward to seeing an interactive show by you on "How write effective blogs". You are a natural.